Alyssa Beckham Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Wow, I had the day from hell. It feels so good to be in my bed. So, this morning I got up at 9AM to get breakfast and go to the gym. At the gym, I pushed myself super hard on this program and burned 400 cals. in 30 minutes, which I thought was awesome. Then, I had to walk back to my room. Here's the thing about the gym. In order to get back to my room, I have to walk up about 30 steps, a long hill, some flat terrain, another 30 steps, flat terrain, up another hill and up six flights of stairs. It's seriously intense.

After that, I get back to my room and I'm dancing around because of endorphins while changing and listening to the radio. In the midst of my dancing, I forget that I need to go to class so I end up running to my class, which is pretty far. Then I run to lunch, because I don't have much time before I have to run to practice. After practice, I have to run up and down a building searching for someone and then run across campus to my next class. Then I have to run all the way back across campus for my next class, because I only have ten minutes. After that, I eat dinner and then go to ballroom dance practice. First, we do the tango, which is hard but not EXTREMELY. Then, we do samba. That is an extreme dance. By the end, I could not stop sweating and panting. You swing your hips in 3 different directions at the same time. And you're constantly bouncing and dancing. Anyway, 2 hours of that. And then I had to run to my meeting. Just got back to my room. Insane, but I think I burnt at least twice the amount of calories that I ate. At least, lol.

Hope everyone had a good Tuesday!

Alyssa Beckham Monday, April 5, 2010

Hey everybody! So I've had a couple of very non-exciting days. Not much exercise, not much eating either, so I guess that's good. I spent the entire day in a car today, but I made the effort to walk as much as I could. When I had two hours to kill while I was waiting for someone, I walked up a bunch of stairs and up a couple of hills. And then, we got out of the car at a rest stop and instead of eating, we walked around a little bit. It wasn't much, but it's better than just sitting the entire day.

I'm back up at school now. That's why I spent the entire day in a car. And I'm going to the gym tomorrow at 10AM! Which is really early for me, but it's literally the only time that I can go, so there it is.
Hope everyone had a good weekend and a great Easter/Passover

Alyssa Beckham Friday, April 2, 2010

I had a mix of a good and a bad day today. I'm not sure which outweighs the other, so I'm going to write it all down and see then.

Walked across the Brooklyn Bridge--it was absolutely beautiful. I loved it.
Walked around a lot of places in the city. My feet are sore, but it's so worth it.

I ate out--but the thing is, I ate a lot less today than I would have a couple of days ago, before I decided I was going to get serious. So I guess that's good. In the morning, I had some of those matzah pancake things. Then, I had a roll of sushi, which I felt kind of bad for but I REALLY needed to use a bathroom and they don't let you use the bathroom unless you're a customer, so there I was. Then I had a fruit thing and a few of my friend's chips. Later, I had a little bit of the inside of my friend's Apple Strudel and half a curly fry. I also had a sip of her milkshake. Later, I finally had my first meal! I had New England Clam Chowder and this shrimp stir fry, which was probably bad for me. On top of that, we shared a pitcher of Sangria. I mean, it wasn't good, but I walked SOMUCH and ate so little other than that meal that I think it made up for it. Later, we went to Max Brenner's and the three of us shared a two-person fondue. I tried to eat mostly the fruit with only a little bit of chocolate.

Overall, I think I've decided it was a good day. I must've walked at least 2 miles and at a fast pace. Late at night, when I was walking with one of my two friends, we saw this boy that we went to high school with and used to be friends with. And the entire time, I had this weird impression that he was staring at me and I thought maybe I was imagining it. But when we walked away, my friend said "Why was he staring at you like that?" So I guess I wasn't. This is something way random, but it's totally strange, so I felt like sharing!

My parents are kind of angry at how late I came home, but tomorrow is the NYC Pillow Fight and I'd kind of like to go. If not, though, I'm just going to grab my ipod and walk at least 30 blocks in Brooklyn and then back. That'll be good too!

Hope everyone had a good start to their weekend!

Alyssa Beckham Thursday, April 1, 2010

So, pretty good day today overall. Had a few slip-ups, but I'm not going to punish myself and I'm going to move on. This morning, I got pampered. The waxing was painful, because I only get to do it every couple of months. See, I'm really particular about where I do waxing and pedicures and such, because I want it to be clean and I want my skin to stay in tact and there's only one woman that I trust. What I'm going to do when she retires, I don't know. But anyway, this woman lives in Brooklyn, so when I'm in Bumblefuck, I am not waxed for the most part. I try to keep up with my eyebrows, but I'm scared to screw them up completely. So when she finally does the waxing and the pedicure (manicure, I'm not so particular with), it is PAINFUL. But it's worth it.

And my hair. That's another thing I am extremely particular with. There is one woman who can cut, style and color my hair. I trust no one else. She colored my hair almost back to its natural color, which is cool. But she cut my side bangs kind of short, which bugs me but my hair grows pretty fast and it doesn't look too awful, so I'm not letting it upset me too much.

Moving on, food. Oh, food. How you tease me so. I came back after my salon fun and only had time to eat a little bit of chocolate matzah and some little matzah pancakes. Could not have been too many calories, once again. And then, I went to the city to meet up with one of my close friends from school. There, I got a green tea frappuccino, but I felt like I was replacing the food that I had barely eaten for breakfast and lunch, so I didn't feel too dreadful. Then, I went to my friend's house in Williamsburg to eat dinner.

See, I'm a pescaterian and a Jew, which makes Passover particularly hard. No bread, no pasta, no meat. Hm. What does one eat? Anyway, they were having ham, but they also had potatoes and salad, which was what I ate. Then, we went to walk around the neighborhood, which is very hipster and fun and my friend's mom got me some frozen yogurt. It was strawberry flavored and supposedly aids weight loss. I don't know. Whatever. It was really good and I topped it with mango, pineapple and kiwi. Pretty healthy. We walked around for a really really really long time, which was great. And it was pretty nice out, so I was happy with that. For some reason, I am RIDICULOUSLY sore right now. For some reason, the amount of walking I did took a serious toll on me today. I wanted to come home and play some Wii, but my body just yelled no, so I figured I'd listen since I had walked a lot and hadn't eaten all that much.

I'm thinking of/set on doing the C25K. It's something I've always wanted to do and now with the great weather coming around, I think it's a good time.

Tomorrow, I have plans to walk the bridge at 3PM and I am sticking to them! My best friend promised to go with me and my other best friend (I know, I sound like I'm in junior high school, but they really are both my best friends--I've known them for almost 7 years) just joined in. I guess you really can find people that just want to walk if you really try. Hm. I can't promise pictures, since my camera is out of order, but we'll see what happens! Perhaps someone else will bring a camera or I'll take pictures on my phone.

Now, off to check up on everyone's blogs and find some new ones! Anybody have any suggestions for awesome ones?

Alyssa Beckham

So, for those of you that don't know, the name of my post is also the title of a song by Ben Harper. Really good song and it's in honor of the beautiful Brooklyn day that is happening right now. I woke up in the wee hours of the morning today (9am--blegh) and went to the hair salon. I've got an appointment to get my nails done at around 1:30, which is a lot of sitting and doing absolutely nothing. But I'm hoping to get some walking in. If the mani/pedi/waxing doesn't take forever, I'm going to walk across the Brooklyn Bridge, which is about a mile and supposedly takes about an hour. I'm a bad Brooklynite cause I've never done it before. If not today, maybe another day. I'm not sure yet. I'm definitely doing some kind of walking, though. It's the finding someone to walk with thing that really trips me up, because people usually don't want to randomly walk around. I may have recruited someone, but she's not sure. So I guess we'll see.

Moving on, this morning I had these little matzah-type pancake things, which were really good. They were made by my mom, so I know there's very little sugar, oil, or anything else bad in it. I've asked her to cut those out. I also ate a couple of bites of chocolate matzah. I couldn't help myself. It only comes around once a year.

Last night, I played around on my Wii for awhile and then popped in my Biggest Loser thing. It was cool, except it sucks because I can't actually do a legitimate program because I'm away at school for months at a time and I don't have the space or the television for it up there. Either way, Bob Harpur virtually kicked my ass. And I only did the light version. Yes, it was around midnight and yes, I had been playing extreme Wii tennis for a half hour, but still! I didn't think I would get that winded. Also, I added Bob on Twitter last night and he loves Broadway shows! Him and Jillian recommend them to each other. They also have lunch and go to spinning classes together. Isn't that adorable? I love them, lol. He posts up little challenges on his Twitters all the time, so I might try those out. Although, by "little," I mean INTENSE challenges.

Anyway, that's all for now. I'll be back later to update on where I walked, how much my cuticles hurt and what I ate! Hope everyone's doing alright :)

Alyssa Beckham Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Hey everybody, or whoever is reading. I'm Alyssa Beckham. I live in New York City, but I'm currently attending school in a tiny town in upstate New York, or as I like to call it...Bumblefuck. I am 18 years old, about 5'7" and around 215 pounds. Not. Good. I know. But that's what I'm here to fix. As I sit here, just having eaten breakfast (I know...It's 5:42PM, welcome to Spring Break) and watching The Biggest Loser re-runs, I feel an overwhelming sense of deja vu. I have done this weight-loss thing SO. MANY. TIMES. But I have a feeling about this time. I think it's really going to work. Being a college student, it's hard. I live in a dorm, I don't have a kitchen, I'm eating GM food and the gym feels like a hundred miles away. But this is my life and I kind of don't have a choice anymore. So, here it goes. Starting tomorrow, we're getting this show on the road!