Alyssa Beckham Friday, April 2, 2010

I had a mix of a good and a bad day today. I'm not sure which outweighs the other, so I'm going to write it all down and see then.

Walked across the Brooklyn Bridge--it was absolutely beautiful. I loved it.
Walked around a lot of places in the city. My feet are sore, but it's so worth it.

I ate out--but the thing is, I ate a lot less today than I would have a couple of days ago, before I decided I was going to get serious. So I guess that's good. In the morning, I had some of those matzah pancake things. Then, I had a roll of sushi, which I felt kind of bad for but I REALLY needed to use a bathroom and they don't let you use the bathroom unless you're a customer, so there I was. Then I had a fruit thing and a few of my friend's chips. Later, I had a little bit of the inside of my friend's Apple Strudel and half a curly fry. I also had a sip of her milkshake. Later, I finally had my first meal! I had New England Clam Chowder and this shrimp stir fry, which was probably bad for me. On top of that, we shared a pitcher of Sangria. I mean, it wasn't good, but I walked SOMUCH and ate so little other than that meal that I think it made up for it. Later, we went to Max Brenner's and the three of us shared a two-person fondue. I tried to eat mostly the fruit with only a little bit of chocolate.

Overall, I think I've decided it was a good day. I must've walked at least 2 miles and at a fast pace. Late at night, when I was walking with one of my two friends, we saw this boy that we went to high school with and used to be friends with. And the entire time, I had this weird impression that he was staring at me and I thought maybe I was imagining it. But when we walked away, my friend said "Why was he staring at you like that?" So I guess I wasn't. This is something way random, but it's totally strange, so I felt like sharing!

My parents are kind of angry at how late I came home, but tomorrow is the NYC Pillow Fight and I'd kind of like to go. If not, though, I'm just going to grab my ipod and walk at least 30 blocks in Brooklyn and then back. That'll be good too!

Hope everyone had a good start to their weekend!

1 comment:

WWSuzi said...

You had an awesome day!! Way to go on all that exercise :)

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